Pouring Out Our Hearts

I recently read a very simple quote: “Prayer is pouring out your heart to God.”  That means prayer is a way to trust God with whatever is burdening us, concerning us, or holding us back. We simply pour it all out, trusting God to understand and love us no matter what it may be.

We all have concerns, questions, people, joys, hopes, fears, and a whole host of other things that are on our hearts. When we pour our heart out, we share our vulnerability with the One who draws near to us. Suddenly we are not alone. What is on our heart is shared by Another who is a refuge, a safe place for us to be no matter what state we find ourselves in. Psalm 62:8 says,

“Trust in him at all times, O people; pour out your heart before him; God is a refuge for us.”

Chaplain Josh


In the morning my 3-year-old comes to my bedside and whispers (and sometimes yells 😊), “Daddy get up, can I have a French toast?” 

Every morning she never fails to come to my bedside and say my name.  She knows I’ll hear her voice. She knows she can make her request for French toast, her favorite, even though we might not always have it each morning for breakfast. 

And as I struggle sometimes to get out of bed earlier than I want, she waits and repeats my name and her request, expecting me to respond. I don’t always love waking up that early, but I do love that my girl knows she can come to me for help. 

In our prayers we are invited to come and ask for help each morning. We see this in Psalm 5:3, which says,

“In the morning, Lord, you hear my voice; in the morning I lay my requests before you and wait expectantly.” 

May you this morning truly find grace for whatever you need as you voice it in prayer to the One who always hears your voice. 

Chaplain Josh

Soul Thirst

There is nothing like a cold drink to refresh yourself when you are thirsty on a hot day.  The last time I finished mowing the yard it was on one of the warmest days of the year so far and I was thirsty, panting for water.  Just like our body pants for water, our soul pants for refreshment too when it is dry and weary. 

Psalm 42:1-2 says,

“As the deer pants for streams of water, so my soul pants for you, my God.   My soul thirsts for God, for the living God.  When can I go and meet with God?”  

Soul thirst is when our souls are panting, thirsty for refreshment.  Our souls cry out for connection to meaning, hope, peace, and that which is transcendent. Without remaining connected to such things, our souls will cry out.  Refresh yourself today just like you would drink a glass of cold water on a hot day.  Do something to satisfy the cravings of your soul.  Maybe it is as simple as a walk in a park, spending five minutes in silence, or reading. Be refreshed today in your soul! 

God, help me to sense when my soul is thirsty and needs replenished.  I turn to you and ask that you would refresh me.  Amen. 

Chaplain Josh